Because inspiration, many times, lives in ordinary and familiar things. I am an inventor with a large dose of practicality, and an optimist who leans into change and problem solving. Life deals us a healthy dose of reality, and yet there are always new insights to be gained, ideas and attitudes that can be reformed, and passions that can be renewed.  I am always aiming at cohesiveness, authenticity in message, feeling, and approach. We must walk our talk; no amount of money can undo inauthenticity.
RE . IMAGINE language. As a writer I love and respect the power of words and how they resonate differently with each of us, as we hear them through the eyes of our legacy. I am ever in awe of our ability to, alongside God, change legacy, heal pain, and ignite courage by a new point of view, a different word, or just by paying attention to someone and listening. No more jargon please, let's speak in words that resonate with real life, and I believe we need to use our words in leadership and love with wisdom, clarity and confidence.
RE . IMAGINE beauty. Beauty is mysterious and marvelous. I am a designer and a craftsman and am fascinated with the power of details!  Details matter and it takes leadership to know how to prioritize what details matter the most. I look at every project from form and function point of view. Adding personal touches enhances beauty and it is a powerful detail to have in the mix.
RE . IMAGINE process. My attitude is that every task, even the mundane, is part of a greater whole and all tasks either speak your brand and vision or detract from it. My passion is to use process to protect against chaos and to invite value into every part of the process and to every team member. I come from a family of process thinkers; it is in our DNA. Give me a problem and I will re . imagine the process.
RE . IMAGINE life . As a person who has, by the grace of God, triumphed over years of abuse and has survived my mother's suicide, I have a personal passion to help people re.imagine a new life.
"Abuse, neglect, and atheism form an opaque curtain over the eyes of possibility and personal power--It locks us in a cage, where we can see the world, hands just out of reach of the lock; feeling alone, separated, unable to trust ourselves, others, and the world."  Suzan
My passion is, by way of faith, to create approaches, creative inspirations and learning tools that bring the shattered imagination back into being; into a life of stewardship that impacts the world for good, one heart at a time; restoring hope in a new legacy.



All of my concepts, creative ideas, and point of view have stemmed from living this life. I have found that there is hope for renewal; and that living in the tension between creativity and reality requires a resilient mindset, compassion, adaptability, courage, forgiveness, and generosity of spirit; and it is possible!  It does transform for God's Kingdom, and it brings joy!