June 21, 2022

When I began 2022, after our 25th Anniversary year I wasn't sure where
to begin. After all, last year was such a landmark year with so much to celebrate
and reflect on, as we looked back into our design archive and featured
our best of the 25 years. So 2022, what do we do?
As always, I begin with prayer...
The first inspiration came to me was when I chose my packaging.
Out of "the blue" I chose this gorgeous yellow that I had never in 25 years
selected...which made me quite curious as to what was going on in
my creative mind.

All I knew was that it was making me smile and so happy!
On further reflection I wanted to tell a story about SHINING from the inside out,
not waiting till everything was perfect or good to share with others. In fact,
I began to reflect on how when we share from our raw and natural
selves, it could be the very words someone needs to hear--shining a
light into their heart at the perfect moment.
I also was inspired by the song that says, "this LITTLE light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine. Notice that it doesn't say..."this BIG crazy light"...
It confirmed for me that even the smallest light, which can be found in a
grateful heart, can shine a light into the darkest of times. So don't wait...
Now, how does this translate into a collection?

I decided to mix natural shell with subtle shining citrine and quartz,
and I love the result! Like finding a shiny gem in the sand.
Then, I found these beautiful little teardrop citrine beads,
I call them honeypots. I love the way they catch the light.
not too much shine...just the right amount.

So the SHINE COLLECTION was born!
Enjoy each new treasure, find the ones that speak to you.
For all my Collections I choose a Bible verse
to hold onto and to offer to you--
for this Collection I chose
Numbers 6:25
"the Lord shine His face upon you & be gracious to you"